Kids' Company -- a program of Waconia Public Schools' Community Education -- offers care before and after school, on most non-school/early release days and during the summer.  For children ages 3 years - 5 years (must be potty-trained)  at the WEC preschool location and grades K-5 at all local public elementary schools.
Kids' Company is a place where each child is a cherished and unique member of the team. Our focus is to offer a place where children will have fun, be challenged, build relationships, and feel a sense of belonging while fostering a sense of self. Our goal is to build a strong community through our children.
They are offered choices that promote their social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth through activities in art, music, science, recreation, language arts/reading, games, technology, creative dramatics, homework assistance, and quiet time. Every site provides daily reading time and homework assistance during the school year.
Kids' Company is a fee based program that is sustained by families tuition payments. No school district funds are used to support the Kids’ Company program.
We aim to offer parents/guardians who work or go to school a caring, safe, supervised, recreational, and enriching environment for their school-aged children.

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